3 Things to Consider When Reapplying to a Company That Rejected You


When applying for jobs, it can be daunting to reapply to somewhere that previously rejected you. It isn’t a bad thing to do as they could have just thought you weren’t right for the company, and the second time around, you might be successful. There are tips to ensure you have a higher chance of success when applying to a company for the second time.  

  1. Resume

It is essential that if you apply to the same company for the same job, you don’t submit the same resume as you did the first time around. Submitting the same resume shows that not only are you just sending generic resumes around but that the time since the last application, you haven’t grown or developed your skills. This is also important when submitting cover letters; you must show that you have grown and developed skills since your last application, as this increases the likelihood that you will get the job this time around.

  1. Update

Updating your resume and cover letter to show that you have grown and gained more attractive qualities shows the employer that even though you have been rejected, you aren’t affected by the failure, which shows resilience. Updating your experience and skills also shows that you have taken the opportunity of failure and turned it into something positive. It also shows that you have used the time between jobs wisely and smartly have worked on and developed yourself to be more employable. These are all positive attributes that employers look for in people when they are hiring for jobs; by showcasing the skills you have, you are far more likely to get the job than you were previously.

  1. Consider

You must consider any previous interactions you had with the company, looking at what happened previously, where you went wrong, and addressing this. Considering what happened previously, you can make sure that you highlight the skills they are looking for and analyze whether it was a particularly critical skill that you were missing when you were interviewed before. If this is the case, make sure that you have learned and researched the desired skills that the company wants, and as well as ensuring that you apply them, it is important to make sure you highlight this to the employer.

Final Note

It is work noting that you aren’t the only person in this situation. Many people have to interview for positions several times before they are successful for the job they wish to have. Many well-known famous people dealt with rejection after rejection before they caught their break and are where they are today. You must not become disheartened by rejection and use it to learn and develop yourself further.