Retirement, A Natural Evolution of Career Development


Whilst the concept of retirement can be quite daunting, it can prove to be a very positive aspect of career development in a person’s life.

Whilst people perceive retirement as a quiet and peaceful phase of life, people closer to the post often view it as something different, not realizing the transition they have made in their thought processes.

People find themselves asking what it is they want to do with their existence with this next chapter of their life, as opposed to the cliché question of “Do I have enough money yet?”

Retirement does not have to be the end of learning; it can be a way of transitioning from a lifelong career into something which perhaps they only had time for as a hobby before.

“The people that are considering retirement are making way for the next generation in that sector” is a very powerful and bold statement but actually quite true.

There are only a certain number of jobs available and with an ever-increasing population, the younger generations are finding It hard enough to get a job. Combine the growing population with the fact that people are not retiring until they are older this makes job pickings even slimmer.

Naturally, people have to retire, they can’t work forever, however, it doesn’t mean life is all doom and gloom, this stage of life can actually be the most joyous and satisfying.

The best theory is to view retirement not as retiring from your old life but retiring to your new one, this suggests a new door opening with new opportunities presenting themselves.

After a long and busy career retirement can be a great time to grow and develop family and personal relationships, you now have the time to dedicate to this aspect of your life which may have been overlooked the last few years.

Retirement is a great time to travel, with work ties and commitment to work traveling is something you have been unable to do before, why not see the world? There’s no better time than now.

Naturally working in a career so long people get tired, they get worn out of doing the same things day in day out and it’s time for new experiences, all those things you wish you had time for but had a deadline and work to do, you now have time for.

After spending so long of life working it’s natural to feel at a bit of a loose end with retirement, but it’s good for your brain to take time and relax. You take the weekend to relax after a week’s hard work, so why would you not take time to relax after years of work.

Retirement is a natural progression of your career and is nothing to feel embarrassed about, it is a celebration of all the work you have done and all that you have achieved, it should be celebrated and treated as a celebration of accomplishment.